

发布时间:2024-07-03 11:45:13


1. Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S., Chen, C. (2008) Scientometrics of big science: A case study of research in Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientometrics, 86(1), 1-14.2. Chen, C., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., & Hou, J. (2010). The Structure and Dynamics of Co-Citation Clusters: A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.3. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2010). Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: A visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research. Scientometrics, 83(3), 669-688. 10.1007/s11192-009-0123-x4. Chen, C. (2010) Information visualization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Review: Computational Statistics. 10.1002/wics.89?5. Chen, C., Chen, Y., Horowitz, M., Hou, H., Liu, Z., & Pellegrino, D. (2009). Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery. Journal of Informetrics, 3(3), 191-209.6. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2009) Mapping the global impact of Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24(4), 74-77.7. Zhang, J., Chen, C., Li, J. (2009) Visualizing the intellectual structure with paper-reference matrices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6)(Nov/Dec), 1153-1160.8. Chen, C. (2009) CiteSpace II: 科学文献中新趋势与新动态的识别与可视化。情报学报, 28(3), 401-421. This is a Chinese edition of #38, translated by 陈悦,侯剑华,梁永霞.9. Hou, H., Chen, C., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, Y. (2009) Interdisciplinary feature of knowmetrics. Studies in Science of Science. In Chinese: 知识计量学的交叉学科属性研究, 《科学学研究》10. Liu, Z., Chen, C., Hou, H., Wang, X. (2009) Stepping into a revolutionary age of science of science. Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology, 7, 5-12. In Chinese: 迈向科学学大变革的时代,《科学学与科技管理》11. Liu, Z., Hou, H., Chen, C., Wang, X. (2009) Knowmetrics and the application of knowledge visualization. Science and Research Management. In Chinese: 知识计量学及其可视化技术的应用研究,《科研管理》12. Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, C. (2009) Scientific knowledge mapping and its application in scientific and technological information field. Digital Library Forum, (2009)10, 14-34. In Chinese: 科学知识图谱方法及其在科技情报中的应用,《数字图书馆论坛》13. Chen, C., Song, I. Y., Yuan, X. J., Zhang, J. (2008) The Thematic and Citation Landscape of Data and Knowledge Engineering (1985-2007). Data and Knowledge Engineering, 67(2), 234-259.14. Chen, C. (2008) An information-theoretic view of visual analytics. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 28(1) Jan/Feb, 18-23.15. Sokol Petushi, Jeff Marker, Jasper Zhang, Weizhong Zhu, David Breen, Chen, C., Xia Lin, Fernando Garcia (2008) A visual analytics system for breast tumor evaluation. Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology, 30(5), 279-290.16. Chen, C. (2007) Holistic sense making: Conflicting opinions, creative ideas, and collective intelligence. Library Hi Tech, 25(3), 311-327.17. Ye, J., Chen, C. (2007) Orientation of education in library and information science in China and the USA in the digital age. Journal of the library science in China, 33(2), 18-23. [In Chinese]18. Zhu, W., Chen, C. (2007) Storylines: Visual exploration and analysis in latent semantic spaces. Computer & Graphics, 31(3). Special Issue on Visual Analytics. June 2007, 338-349.19. Chen, C. (2006) CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.20. Chen, C. (2005) Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25 (4). 12-16.21. Chen, C. and Borner, K. (2005) From spatial proximity to semantic coherence: A quantitative approach to the study of group dynamics in collaborative virtual environments. Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(1), 81-103.22. Chen, C. (2004) Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5303-5310.23. White, H., Lin, X., Buzydlowski, JW & Chen, C. (2004) User-controlled mapping of significant literatures. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5297-5302.24. Chen, C., Hicks, D. (2004) Tracing knowledge diffusion. Scientometrics, 59(2), 199-211.25. Chen, C. (2003) Visualizing scientific paradigms: An introduction. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 392-399.26. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. (2003) The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolution in physics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 435-446.27. Borner, K., Chen, C., Boyack, K. (2003) Visualizing knowledge domains. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37, 179-255.28. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Kuljis, J., & Macredie, R. (2002) Footprints of information foragers: Behaviour semantics of visual exploration. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57(2), 139-163.29. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Macredie, R. & Morar, S. (2002) Visualizing and tracking the growth of competing paradigms: Two case studies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 53(8), 678-689.30. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing latent domain knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C. Applications and Reviews, 31(4), 518 - 529.31. Chen, C. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing a knowledge domain’s intellectual structure. IEEE Computer, 34(3), 65-71.32. Chen, C., Paul, R. J., O’Keefe, B. (2001) Fitting the jigsaw of citations: Information visualization in domain analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 52(4), 315-330.33. Kuljis, J., Paul, R. J., Chen, C. (2001) Visualization and simulation: Two sides of the same coin. Simulation. (Special issue on Simulation and Visualization). 77(3/4), 202-213.34. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (2000) Modeling the dynamics of using a collaborative hypertext. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10(5/6), 579-606.35. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (2000) Empirical evaluation of information visualizations: An introduction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 631-635.36. Chen, C. & Yu, Y. (2000) Empirical studies of information visualization: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 851-866.37. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (2000) Individual differences and virtual environments: Introduction and overview. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 499-507.38. Chen, C. (2000) Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 529-542.39. Chen, C. (1999) Visualising semantic spaces and author co-citation networks in digital libraries. Information Processing & Management, 35(3), 401-420.40. Chen, C., Thomas, L., Cole, J., Chennawasin, C. (1999) Representing the semantics of virtual spaces. IEEE Multimedia, 6(2), 54-63.41. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (1998) Human factors in virtual environments. Virtual Reality: Research, Development, and Applications, 3(4), 223-225.42. Chen, C. (1998) Bridging the gap: The use of Pathfinder networks in visual navigation. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 9(3), 267-286.43. Chen, C., Newman, J., Newman, R., Rada, R. (1998) How did university departments interweave the web: A study of connectivity and underlying factors. Interacting with Computer, 10(4), 353-373.44. Chen, C. (1998) Generalised similarity analysis and Pathfinder network scaling. Interacting with Computer, 10(2), 107-128.45. Branki, C., Chen, C., & Newman, J. (1998) Capturing design rationale: Experiences from a Web-based argumentation system. International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology (Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Design), 6(2), 50-59.46. Mahmond Mhashi, Roy Rada and Chen, C. (1998) The role of prefix, suffix, and infix of words and sentences on string searching. Al-manarah (Arab journal of computing), 3(3), 67-88.47. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (1997) Spatial ability and visual navigation: An empirical study. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 3, 67-89.48. Chen, C. (1997) Tracking latent domain structures: An integration of Pathfinder and Latent Semantic Analysis. AI & Society, 11(1-2), 48-62.49. Chen, C. (1997) Writing with collaborative hypertext: analysis and modelling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(11), 1049-1066.50. Henderson, T., Rada, R. & Chen, C. (1997) Quality management of student-student evaluations. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(3), 199-215.51. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Modelling situated actions in collaborative hypertext databases. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2(3).52. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies. Human-Computer Interaction, 11(2), 125-156.53. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1994) A conceptual model for supporting collaborative authoring and reuse. Knowledge Organization, 21(2), 88-93.54. Chen, C., Rada, R. & Zeb, A. (1994) An extended fisheye view browser for collaborative writing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40(5), 859-878.55. Dobson, M., Rada, R., Chen, C., Michailidis, A. & Ulloa, A. (1993) Towards a consolidated model for a collaborative courseware authoring system. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 9, 34-50.56. Rada, R., Wang, W., Michailidis, A., & Chen, C. (1992) Collaborative software reuse integrated into the work flow. Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 16(2), 79-83.
















1、被誉为中国现代数学祖师的是( )。

A、姜伯驹 B、苏步青 C、姜立夫







1. Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S., Chen, C. (2008) Scientometrics of big science: A case study of research in Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientometrics, 86(1), 1-14.2. Chen, C., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., & Hou, J. (2010). The Structure and Dynamics of Co-Citation Clusters: A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.3. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2010). Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: A visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research. Scientometrics, 83(3), 669-688. 10.1007/s11192-009-0123-x4. Chen, C. (2010) Information visualization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Review: Computational Statistics. 10.1002/wics.89?5. Chen, C., Chen, Y., Horowitz, M., Hou, H., Liu, Z., & Pellegrino, D. (2009). Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery. Journal of Informetrics, 3(3), 191-209.6. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2009) Mapping the global impact of Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24(4), 74-77.7. Zhang, J., Chen, C., Li, J. (2009) Visualizing the intellectual structure with paper-reference matrices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6)(Nov/Dec), 1153-1160.8. Chen, C. (2009) CiteSpace II: 科学文献中新趋势与新动态的识别与可视化。情报学报, 28(3), 401-421. This is a Chinese edition of #38, translated by 陈悦,侯剑华,梁永霞.9. Hou, H., Chen, C., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, Y. (2009) Interdisciplinary feature of knowmetrics. Studies in Science of Science. In Chinese: 知识计量学的交叉学科属性研究, 《科学学研究》10. Liu, Z., Chen, C., Hou, H., Wang, X. (2009) Stepping into a revolutionary age of science of science. Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology, 7, 5-12. In Chinese: 迈向科学学大变革的时代,《科学学与科技管理》11. Liu, Z., Hou, H., Chen, C., Wang, X. (2009) Knowmetrics and the application of knowledge visualization. Science and Research Management. In Chinese: 知识计量学及其可视化技术的应用研究,《科研管理》12. Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, C. (2009) Scientific knowledge mapping and its application in scientific and technological information field. Digital Library Forum, (2009)10, 14-34. In Chinese: 科学知识图谱方法及其在科技情报中的应用,《数字图书馆论坛》13. Chen, C., Song, I. Y., Yuan, X. J., Zhang, J. (2008) The Thematic and Citation Landscape of Data and Knowledge Engineering (1985-2007). Data and Knowledge Engineering, 67(2), 234-259.14. Chen, C. (2008) An information-theoretic view of visual analytics. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 28(1) Jan/Feb, 18-23.15. Sokol Petushi, Jeff Marker, Jasper Zhang, Weizhong Zhu, David Breen, Chen, C., Xia Lin, Fernando Garcia (2008) A visual analytics system for breast tumor evaluation. Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology, 30(5), 279-290.16. Chen, C. (2007) Holistic sense making: Conflicting opinions, creative ideas, and collective intelligence. Library Hi Tech, 25(3), 311-327.17. Ye, J., Chen, C. (2007) Orientation of education in library and information science in China and the USA in the digital age. Journal of the library science in China, 33(2), 18-23. [In Chinese]18. Zhu, W., Chen, C. (2007) Storylines: Visual exploration and analysis in latent semantic spaces. Computer & Graphics, 31(3). Special Issue on Visual Analytics. June 2007, 338-349.19. Chen, C. (2006) CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.20. Chen, C. (2005) Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25 (4). 12-16.21. Chen, C. and Borner, K. (2005) From spatial proximity to semantic coherence: A quantitative approach to the study of group dynamics in collaborative virtual environments. Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(1), 81-103.22. Chen, C. (2004) Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5303-5310.23. White, H., Lin, X., Buzydlowski, JW & Chen, C. (2004) User-controlled mapping of significant literatures. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5297-5302.24. Chen, C., Hicks, D. (2004) Tracing knowledge diffusion. Scientometrics, 59(2), 199-211.25. Chen, C. (2003) Visualizing scientific paradigms: An introduction. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 392-399.26. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. (2003) The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolution in physics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 435-446.27. Borner, K., Chen, C., Boyack, K. (2003) Visualizing knowledge domains. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37, 179-255.28. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Kuljis, J., & Macredie, R. (2002) Footprints of information foragers: Behaviour semantics of visual exploration. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57(2), 139-163.29. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Macredie, R. & Morar, S. (2002) Visualizing and tracking the growth of competing paradigms: Two case studies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 53(8), 678-689.30. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing latent domain knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C. Applications and Reviews, 31(4), 518 - 529.31. Chen, C. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing a knowledge domain’s intellectual structure. IEEE Computer, 34(3), 65-71.32. Chen, C., Paul, R. J., O’Keefe, B. (2001) Fitting the jigsaw of citations: Information visualization in domain analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 52(4), 315-330.33. Kuljis, J., Paul, R. J., Chen, C. (2001) Visualization and simulation: Two sides of the same coin. Simulation. (Special issue on Simulation and Visualization). 77(3/4), 202-213.34. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (2000) Modeling the dynamics of using a collaborative hypertext. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10(5/6), 579-606.35. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (2000) Empirical evaluation of information visualizations: An introduction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 631-635.36. Chen, C. & Yu, Y. (2000) Empirical studies of information visualization: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 851-866.37. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (2000) Individual differences and virtual environments: Introduction and overview. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 499-507.38. Chen, C. (2000) Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 529-542.39. Chen, C. (1999) Visualising semantic spaces and author co-citation networks in digital libraries. Information Processing & Management, 35(3), 401-420.40. Chen, C., Thomas, L., Cole, J., Chennawasin, C. (1999) Representing the semantics of virtual spaces. IEEE Multimedia, 6(2), 54-63.41. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (1998) Human factors in virtual environments. Virtual Reality: Research, Development, and Applications, 3(4), 223-225.42. Chen, C. (1998) Bridging the gap: The use of Pathfinder networks in visual navigation. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 9(3), 267-286.43. Chen, C., Newman, J., Newman, R., Rada, R. (1998) How did university departments interweave the web: A study of connectivity and underlying factors. Interacting with Computer, 10(4), 353-373.44. Chen, C. (1998) Generalised similarity analysis and Pathfinder network scaling. Interacting with Computer, 10(2), 107-128.45. Branki, C., Chen, C., & Newman, J. (1998) Capturing design rationale: Experiences from a Web-based argumentation system. International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology (Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Design), 6(2), 50-59.46. Mahmond Mhashi, Roy Rada and Chen, C. (1998) The role of prefix, suffix, and infix of words and sentences on string searching. Al-manarah (Arab journal of computing), 3(3), 67-88.47. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (1997) Spatial ability and visual navigation: An empirical study. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 3, 67-89.48. Chen, C. (1997) Tracking latent domain structures: An integration of Pathfinder and Latent Semantic Analysis. AI & Society, 11(1-2), 48-62.49. Chen, C. (1997) Writing with collaborative hypertext: analysis and modelling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(11), 1049-1066.50. Henderson, T., Rada, R. & Chen, C. (1997) Quality management of student-student evaluations. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(3), 199-215.51. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Modelling situated actions in collaborative hypertext databases. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2(3).52. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies. Human-Computer Interaction, 11(2), 125-156.53. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1994) A conceptual model for supporting collaborative authoring and reuse. Knowledge Organization, 21(2), 88-93.54. Chen, C., Rada, R. & Zeb, A. (1994) An extended fisheye view browser for collaborative writing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40(5), 859-878.55. Dobson, M., Rada, R., Chen, C., Michailidis, A. & Ulloa, A. (1993) Towards a consolidated model for a collaborative courseware authoring system. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 9, 34-50.56. Rada, R., Wang, W., Michailidis, A., & Chen, C. (1992) Collaborative software reuse integrated into the work flow. Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 16(2), 79-83.




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Jian Zou,罗银河2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P423-426,2004Study of adaptive filter used to reduce industrial electromagnetic interference in data processing of thetransient electromagnetic method ....Hao Jiang,昌彦军,Ying Zhang,Lei Liu2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P415-418,2004The applications of sonic method in quality detection of bulky concrete.Guoqiang Xiao,刘天佑2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P190-194,2004A study on explaining underground pipeline data by improved evolutionary algorithm..Libing Cao,鲁永康,Yu Guo2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P368-373,2004Information system project of marine resource and environment based on MAPGIS..Jianjun Lu,Jianbo Zhang,昌彦军2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P610-614,2004Study on the relationship between seismomagnetic effects and seismicity in west Gansu and its adjacent areas using Higher-Order Statistics methodTao Yang,刘庆生 et al.2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering GeophysicsP.510-514,2004Feasibility analysis of subgrade sinking using seismic techniquesWeisheng Hou,刘江平,Chao Chen,Xiuzhong Li2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P138-143,2004The characteristic-frequency of the elastic random medium modelXian Xi,姚姚2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P178-183,2004Application of electrical method on locating karstic cave,hot-spring source and leakage area at a reservoir damXianwen Cui,Guohua Zhang,罗延钟2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P.359-367,2004Application of CSAMT to exploring karst in Yuanliang Mountain tunnel along Yuhuai railway lineXingchang Zhang,罗延钟,Qingyun Gao2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P374-381,2004The Key technique and its application of virtual instrument based on sound cardYunsheng Wang,Xiaoxiong Chen,王家映2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P575-578,2004The GPR weak signal identification in bispectrum fieldYushan Yang,刘天佑,Yuanyuan Li2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P272-278,2004Susceptibility characteristics of lake sediments from Donghu Lake in Wuhan city and urban environmental significanceZhendong Liu,刘庆生 et al.2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering GeophysicsP.515-518,2004Definition of apparent resistivity and correction of the non-far-zone field for EM sounding data of the stratagem EH-4 electrical conductivity imaging system.昌彦军,Ning Qiu,Yanzhong Luo,Ying Zhang2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P301-305,2004Study of the Time Spectrum Resistivity Method昌彦君,罗延钟2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P390-392,2004Geophysical techniques in detection to river embankments—a case study: To locate sites of potential leaks using surface-wave and electrical methods陈超,Jianping Liu,Shunfang Xu,et la2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,p465-469.,2004Distributed multi-electrodes resistivity imaging system and its application董浩斌,Chuanlei Wang,Yanli Zhang2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P409-414,2004A database design of engineering geology on Wuhan Economic Developing Area范萍,Haiyi Du2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P608-609,2004The investigation of geologic body in tunnel using seismic computerized tomography.顾汉明,Chengguo Cai,Yunsheng Wang,Zheming Cao2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P106-110,2004Application of CSAMT to the detection of solution cavity胡祥云,Kunfa Shi,Miaoyue Wang,2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P328-331,2004Experimental research on landslides using nuclear magnetic resonance sounding.李振宇,Junli Li,Huiming Tang,2004Progress in Enuironmental and Engineering Geophysics,P497-502,2004Reflection responses of vertical crannies and the application in non-invasive detection..Application of wavelet compression algorithm in linear geophysical inversion张世晖,Gao JY,Liu TY2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 721-725,2006Surface-related multiple subtraction using Curvelet transform张素芳,徐义贤,Lei D2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 85-89,2006Static correction of refraction applied in multiple coverage technology of reflection wave exploration张学强,Yan Z,Zhu XP,Zhang XM2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 119-123,2006The suppression of seismic source's multiples in the water seismic reflection张学强,Zhu XP,Yan Z,Shi XM2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 74-78,2006The wavelet compression algorithm for the equivalent dipolar layer method in the reduction of potential field data to a horizontal plane杨宇山,Liu TY,Li YY2006Proceeding of the 2nd International and Engineering Geophysics,VOL 1 AND 2 : 733-736,2006

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刑法学在北大有13个名额,4个本校的保送名额,3个外校的保送名额,6个统招的名额,啧啧,有志气。刑法学的研究方向 :01.中国刑法学,02.外国刑法学,03.犯罪学,04.监狱法学,05.司法精神病学,考试科目: 101思想政治理论 , 201英语一、202俄、203日、240法、241德任选一门 , 642刑法学 ,885法学综合卷 ,学校网站没有列出参考书目,考试范围很广,法学综合卷考试内容包括:宪法、行政法、刑法、刑诉、民法、民诉这里是适用的一些参考书:陈兴良教授1、《刑法适用总论》(上、下卷)(第二版)。可只看上卷。较之于教材较为深入,较之于专著又比较浅显,因此难适合于考研用书的标准。2、《规范刑法学》。重点关注总论及分论重点罪名。鉴于刑法诸多最新修正案,需要予以补充最新的司法解释。3、《刑法学的现代展开》。刑法专业课必备,非专业课可适当拓展。双杨《中国刑法论》(第四版)可只看总论部分马克昌《刑法学》,高等教育出版社。该书体系清晰,层次分明,亦可作参考用书。张明楷《刑法学》(第三版)。专业课考生必备。非专业课若有兴趣可了解拓展。另外,刑法专业课考生除以上用书,另外推荐以下用书:陈兴良 《本体刑法学》陈兴良文集系列(中国人民大学出版社)《共同犯罪论》(第二版)(该书系陈教授博士论鉴于共同犯罪在刑法学中的重要地位,被西方学者称为“刑法学中的绝望与黑暗之山”,可予以拓展)梁根林 《合理组织对犯罪的反应》(论文集)马克昌 《近代西方刑法学说史略》《外国刑法原理》或张明楷《外国刑法纲要》(建议专业课考生对刑法发展历其是西方刑法学说有所了解)储槐植 相关论文 学有余力的同学可参考其《美国刑法》高明瑄等著《刑法专论》(研究生用书)北大刑法其他教授的论文另外建议专业课考生若有余力可阅读我国台湾地区韩忠谟《刑法原理》、陈朴生《刑法专题研究》、许玉秀《当代思潮》等。






















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