

发布时间:2024-07-08 02:18:27




Abstract: America’s history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and After that, American literature had been greatly influenced by the European culture for a long It was not until America’s independence, did Americans realized that they need national literature strongly, and American literature began to The Civil War was a watershed in the history, after which American literature entered a period of full Romantics, which emphasized individualism and intuition and Tnscendentalism represented by Emerson came out into This was an exciting period in the history of American Like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same They have given depth and strength to American literature, and accelerated the forming of High R But due to the influence of Civil War, the American society was in a turbulent The writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were After The First World War, Americans were at a loss postwar, and the Modern American literature Keywords: National Literature, Romanism, Transcendentalism, Local Color, Realism, Modern literature 摘要: 从殖民地时期起,欧洲殖民者和清教徒翻开了美国文学史的第一页。 这往后很长一段时期, 美国文学一直都受到欧洲文化的很大 影响 。一直到美国独立后,美国人强烈地感觉到了民族文学的需要,美国的民族文学开始 发展 。 南北战争是美国文学史上一个分水岭, 战后美国文学进入了一个全盛时期,产生了强调个性主义和直觉的早期浪漫主义,和以爱默生为代表的超验主义文学。爱默生的 时代 是美国前所未有的文学变动时代,产生了一大批优秀的作家和作品。 他们突出地给予了当时美国文学以深度和力量,也促进了罗曼主义高潮的来临。但是由于战争的影响, 社会 动荡不安,这时的作品更注重于揭示社会的阴暗面, 同时美国的民族文学进一步发展,创作出许多带有本土色彩和批判现实主义的作品。 一战后,美国人陷入战后的茫然, 美国也开始进入了 现代 文学阶段。 关键词: 民族文学, 浪漫主义, 超验主义, 本土色彩, 现实主义, 现代文学 American is a multi-national Just like a big container, which put in various kinds of Different cultures, that can not only be co-existed but also form a sharp contrast, mixed together, It makes American literature style has a flavor of distinct and various aesthetic Many writers come from lower level, which makes American literature has the rich flavor of life and local Furthermore, many new styles of literature in the world are oriented in America since 20th The process of American literature can be divided into following main periods: Colony and Puritan literature; early national literature; latter national literature and Modern America’s history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and After that, American literature had been greatly influenced by the European culture for a long It was not until America’s independence, did Americans realize that they need national literature strongly, and American literature began to The Civil War was a watershed in the history, after which American literature entered a period of full Romantics, which emphasized individualism and intuition,and Tnscendentalism represented by Emerson came out into This was an exciting period in the history of American Like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same They have given depth and strength to American literature, and accelerated the forming of High R But due to the influence if Civil War, the American society was in a turbulent The writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were After The First World War, Americans were at a loss postwar, and the Modern American literature Colonial and early American literature (1) Travelers and Explorers When the European explorers first came to this new continent, the native Indians who probably got here from Asia about fifteen thousand years ago were still in origin, and they even had no written language, “The traditional literature was originally transmitted almost entirely by word of mouth, and therefore belongs to the category of oral literature,” (Wu Dingbo, 1) As time past, more and more travelers and explorers swarmed They wrote a lot of diaries、letters, and travel accounts to describe the new land as second E No wander somebody said that the earliest American literature were the travel accounts written by European Among the most remained were Captain John Smith’s True Relation of Virginia (1608), and Description of New England (1616) Although most of the Indian history was preserved in tales and songs, they had thoughts about life and They loved the natural world around them deeply, and they believed that when a person was dead, he would give back what had borrowed while he was alive to This kind of philosophy had influenced later or even modern American It’s interesting that when we look at the literature of the Puritans, the Transcendentalists, the Naturalists, and even the Moderns, when we read Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Stephen Crane, and Ernest Hemingway, we can find similar (2) Pilgrim settlements Several years later, another group of settlers also arrived in the New W This group was looking for the Jamestown However , because of bad navigation, they landed in M They were also coming to the New World with dreams of success, but their goal was different from the Jamestown They wanted to start a new world governed by the B They were called Puritans because they wanted to live a better life by making themselves They first arrived on the Mayflower and settled in P This is the group we are usually thinking about when we talk about the "first A"The clearest history of their journey to the New World can be found in History of Plymouth Plantation (1608) written by William Bradford, who was also one of the Mayflower The History of Plymouth Plantation is a Puritan book in the best “It’s loosely annalistic, but a direct and simple style gives charm, as a sincere faith in Puritanism gives purity, to the entire ” (W P Trent, 1997) The Puritans had several kinds of By far the most common form is the writing related to Biblical teachings, or sermons, that the church leaders The Puritans believed that they were in the New World because God had brought them there for a special They thought that by studying the Bible they could learn more about this way of So they were very strict to their life, and they didn’t allow any kind of entertainment even in That’s way Wu Dingbo said in his book “Literature of the New England Settlement is mainly a literary expression of the Puritan idealism” and “The literature of the colonial settlement served either God or colonial expansion or ” (Wu Dingbo, 4) Another important form of writing from this period is the These books, like Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation, are important because they tell us about life at the time of the P People also wrote many But a lot of works were hidden and lost because people often considered poetry to be an inferior form of writing and not totally acceptable to Puritan One of the most significant poets from this period was Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) Her poems in Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America (1650) reflected the con concerns of women who came to settle in the colonies, and in all her poems, however, she shows her strong belief in G 18th century—the Age of reason (1) The Age of reason In the 18th century, people believed in man’s own nature and the power of human With Franklin as its spokesman, the 18th century America experienced an age of Words had never been so useful and so important in human People wrote a lot of political Numerous pamphlets and printings were These works agitated revolutionary people not only in America but also around the Among the most renowned was the work Common Sense (1776) of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) It’s the ringing call for the decoration of He also wrote Crisis (1774-1783) and The Age of Reason (1794-1796), according to Wu, “He thought that religion should be based on rational, reasonable ” (Wu Dingbo, 12) The pamphlets helped complete the debate that resulted in America's separation from E And of course for all the Americans, the most important document from this period was a single sheet of paper called The Declaration of Independence (1776), mainly written by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin F Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), the most distinguished person and giant in American history, he wrote and worked for American independence hardly and had made so many great efforts to America that he has been called "The First A" a world-renowned scientist, diplomat, philosopher, and He perfected the smooth, clear, short sentences of the Puritan plain His Autobiography encourages hard work and emphasizes the importance of Another work that is well known is Poor Richard's Almanack, and many of the sentences have become popular During this time writers thought that the truth should be relied on Bible, churchmen, authorities, or practice and (2) Early National Literature During the period of American Revolution War, American national literature came into Since before the war, American people have already had the awareness of national independence, so they wrote many political writings revolutionary The war helped the first important American prose writers and poets grow up both culturally and Furthermore, the independence of nation led to the independence of national From this moment on, American people began to understand of meaning of being a real ”American“ 放不下了,后面还有,在下面的网站里。满意拿分




文艺复兴是14~16世纪反映西欧各国正在形成中的资产阶级要求的思想、文化运动。其主要中心最初在意大利,16世纪扩及德意志、尼德兰、英国、法国和西班牙等地。“文艺复兴”的概念在14~16世纪时己被意大利的人文主义作家和学者所使用。该词源自意大利文“Rinascita”,一般多写为法文“Renaissance”。它概括了乔托以来的文艺活动的特点,被世界各国沿用至今。中国曾有人直译为“再生”或“再生运动”,但“文艺复兴”的译法己被普遍接受。当时人们认为,文艺在希腊、罗马古典时代曾高度繁荣,但在中世纪“黑暗时代”却衰败湮没,直到14世纪以后才获得“再生”与“复兴”。因此,文艺复兴着重表明了新文化以古典为师的一面,但它并非单纯的古典复兴,实际上是反封建的新文化的创造。文艺复兴主要表现在科学、文学和艺术的普遍高涨,但因各国的社会经济和历史条件不同,在各国带有各自的特征。 意大利文艺复兴 13世纪末14世纪初,意大利在欧洲最早产生资本主义萌芽;但由于政治、经济发展不平衡,先进地区只限于少数几个城市,尤以佛罗伦萨、威尼斯为最。地处意大利中部的佛罗伦萨出现了以毛织、银行、布匹加工业等为主的七大行会,它们不仅控制佛罗伦萨的经济,也直接掌握城市政权。佛罗伦萨的最高权力机构——长老会议的成员只能由七大行会从其会员中遴选,贵族被剥夺参政权,广大工人处于无权地位。在这种政治、经济背景下的佛罗伦萨,成为意大利乃至整个欧洲的文艺复兴发源地和最大中心。




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Abstract: America’s history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and After that, American literature had been greatly influenced by the European culture for a long It was not until America’s independence, did Americans realized that they need national literature strongly, and American literature began to The Civil War was a watershed in the history, after which American literature entered a period of full Romantics, which emphasized individualism and intuition and Tnscendentalism represented by Emerson came out into This was an exciting period in the history of American Like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same They have given depth and strength to American literature, and accelerated the forming of High R But due to the influence of Civil War, the American society was in a turbulent The writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were After The First World War, Americans were at a loss postwar, and the Modern American literature Keywords: National Literature, Romanism, Transcendentalism, Local Color, Realism, Modern literature 摘要: 从殖民地时期起,欧洲殖民者和清教徒翻开了美国文学史的第一页。 这往后很长一段时期, 美国文学一直都受到欧洲文化的很大 影响 。一直到美国独立后,美国人强烈地感觉到了民族文学的需要,美国的民族文学开始 发展 。 南北战争是美国文学史上一个分水岭, 战后美国文学进入了一个全盛时期,产生了强调个性主义和直觉的早期浪漫主义,和以爱默生为代表的超验主义文学。爱默生的 时代 是美国前所未有的文学变动时代,产生了一大批优秀的作家和作品。 他们突出地给予了当时美国文学以深度和力量,也促进了罗曼主义高潮的来临。但是由于战争的影响, 社会 动荡不安,这时的作品更注重于揭示社会的阴暗面, 同时美国的民族文学进一步发展,创作出许多带有本土色彩和批判现实主义的作品。 一战后,美国人陷入战后的茫然, 美国也开始进入了 现代 文学阶段。 关键词: 民族文学, 浪漫主义, 超验主义, 本土色彩, 现实主义, 现代文学 American is a multi-national Just like a big container, which put in various kinds of Different cultures, that can not only be co-existed but also form a sharp contrast, mixed together, It makes American literature style has a flavor of distinct and various aesthetic Many writers come from lower level, which makes American literature has the rich flavor of life and local Furthermore, many new styles of literature in the world are oriented in America since 20th The process of American literature can be divided into following main periods: Colony and Puritan literature; early national literature; latter national literature and Modern America’s history of literature began with the swarming in of immigrants with different background and After that, American literature had been greatly influenced by the European culture for a long It was not until America’s independence, did Americans realize that they need national literature strongly, and American literature began to The Civil War was a watershed in the history, after which American literature entered a period of full Romantics, which emphasized individualism and intuition,and Tnscendentalism represented by Emerson came out into This was an exciting period in the history of American Like the flowers of spring, there were suddenly many different kinds of writing at the same They have given depth and strength to American literature, and accelerated the forming of High R But due to the influence if Civil War, the American society was in a turbulent The writings about local life, critical realism and unveiling the dark side of the society were After The First World War, Americans were at a loss postwar, and the Modern American literature Colonial and early American literature (1) Travelers and Explorers When the European explorers first came to this new continent, the native Indians who probably got here from Asia about fifteen thousand years ago were still in origin, and they even had no written language, “The traditional literature was originally transmitted almost entirely by word of mouth, and therefore belongs to the category of oral literature,” (Wu Dingbo, 1) As time past, more and more travelers and explorers swarmed They wrote a lot of diaries、letters, and travel accounts to describe the new land as second E No wander somebody said that the earliest American literature were the travel accounts written by European Among the most remained were Captain John Smith’s True Relation of Virginia (1608), and Description of New England (1616) Although most of the Indian history was preserved in tales and songs, they had thoughts about life and They loved the natural world around them deeply, and they believed that when a person was dead, he would give back what had borrowed while he was alive to This kind of philosophy had influenced later or even modern American It’s interesting that when we look at the literature of the Puritans, the Transcendentalists, the Naturalists, and even the Moderns, when we read Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Stephen Crane, and Ernest Hemingway, we can find similar (2) Pilgrim settlements Several years later, another group of settlers also arrived in the New W This group was looking for the Jamestown However , because of bad navigation, they landed in M They were also coming to the New World with dreams of success, but their goal was different from the Jamestown They wanted to start a new world governed by the B They were called Puritans because they wanted to live a better life by making themselves They first arrived on the Mayflower and settled in P This is the group we are usually thinking about when we talk about the "first A"The clearest history of their journey to the New World can be found in History of Plymouth Plantation (1608) written by William Bradford, who was also one of the Mayflower The History of Plymouth Plantation is a Puritan book in the best “It’s loosely annalistic, but a direct and simple style gives charm, as a sincere faith in Puritanism gives purity, to the entire ” (W P Trent, 1997) The Puritans had several kinds of By far the most common form is the writing related to Biblical teachings, or sermons, that the church leaders The Puritans believed that they were in the New World because God had brought them there for a special They thought that by studying the Bible they could learn more about this way of So they were very strict to their life, and they didn’t allow any kind of entertainment even in That’s way Wu Dingbo said in his book “Literature of the New England Settlement is mainly a literary expression of the Puritan idealism” and “The literature of the colonial settlement served either God or colonial expansion or ” (Wu Dingbo, 4) Another important form of writing from this period is the These books, like Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation, are important because they tell us about life at the time of the P People also wrote many But a lot of works were hidden and lost because people often considered poetry to be an inferior form of writing and not totally acceptable to Puritan One of the most significant poets from this period was Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672) Her poems in Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up In America (1650) reflected the con concerns of women who came to settle in the colonies, and in all her poems, however, she shows her strong belief in G 18th century—the Age of reason (1) The Age of reason In the 18th century, people believed in man’s own nature and the power of human With Franklin as its spokesman, the 18th century America experienced an age of Words had never been so useful and so important in human People wrote a lot of political Numerous pamphlets and printings were These works agitated revolutionary people not only in America but also around the Among the most renowned was the work Common Sense (1776) of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) It’s the ringing call for the decoration of He also wrote Crisis (1774-1783) and The Age of Reason (1794-1796), according to Wu, “He thought that religion should be based on rational, reasonable ” (Wu Dingbo, 12) The pamphlets helped complete the debate that resulted in America's separation from E And of course for all the Americans, the most important document from this period was a single sheet of paper called The Declaration of Independence (1776), mainly written by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin F Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), the most distinguished person and giant in American history, he wrote and worked for American independence hardly and had made so many great efforts to America that he has been called "The First A" a world-renowned scientist, diplomat, philosopher, and He perfected the smooth, clear, short sentences of the Puritan plain His Autobiography encourages hard work and emphasizes the importance of Another work that is well known is Poor Richard's Almanack, and many of the sentences have become popular During this time writers thought that the truth should be relied on Bible, churchmen, authorities, or practice and (2) Early National Literature During the period of American Revolution War, American national literature came into Since before the war, American people have already had the awareness of national independence, so they wrote many political writings revolutionary The war helped the first important American prose writers and poets grow up both culturally and Furthermore, the independence of nation led to the independence of national From this moment on, American people began to understand of meaning of being a real ”American“ 放不下了,后面还有,在下面的网站里。满意拿分





学位申请者为申请学位而提出撰写的学术论文叫学位论文。这种论文是考核申请者能否被授予学位的重要条件。  学位申请者如果能通过规定的课程考试,而论文的审查和答辩合格,那么就给予学位。如果说学位申请者的课程考试通过了,但论文在答辩时被评为不合格,那么就不会授予他学位。  有资格申请学位并为申请学位所写的那篇毕业论文就称为学位论文,学士学位论文。学士学位论文既是学位论文又是毕业论文。 学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或观测性上具有新的科学研究成果或创新见解的知识和科学记录;或是某种已知原理应用于实际中取得新进展的科学总结,用以提供学术会议上宣读、交流或讨论;或在学术刊物上发表;或作其他用途的书面文件。  在社会科学领域,人们通常把表达科研成果的论文称为学术论文。   学术论文具有四大特点:①学术性 ②科学性 ③创造性 ④理论性一、学术性学术论文的科学性,要求作者在立论上不得带有个人好恶的偏见,不得主观臆造,必须切实地从客观实际出发,从中引出符合实际的结论。在论据上,应尽可能多地占有资料,以最充分的、确凿有力的论据作为立论的依据。在论证时,必须经过周密的思考,进行严谨的论证。二、科学性科学研究是对新知识的探求。创造性是科学研究的生命。学术论文的创造性在于作者要有自己独到的见解,能提出新的观点、新的理论。这是因为科学的本性就是“革命的和非正统的”,“科学方法主要是发现新现象、制定新理论的一种手段,旧的科学理论就必然会不断地为新理论推翻。”(斯蒂芬·梅森)因此,没有创造性,学术论文就没有科学价值。三、创造性学术论文在形式上是属于议论文的,但它与一般议论文不同,它必须是有自己的理论系统的,不能只是材料的罗列,应对大量的事实、材料进行分析、研究,使感性认识上升到理性认识。一般来说,学术论文具有论证色彩,或具有论辩色彩。论文的内容必须符合历史 唯物主义和 唯物辩证法,符合“实事求是”、“有的放矢”、“既分析又综合” 的科学研究方法。四、理论性指的是要用通俗易懂的语言表述科学道理,不仅要做到文从字顺,而且要准确、鲜明、和谐、力求生动。表论文的过程   投稿-审稿-用稿通知-办理相关费用-出刊-邮递样刊  一般作者先了解期刊,选定期刊后,找到投稿方式,部分期刊要求书面形式投稿。大部分是采用电子稿件形式。   发表论文审核时间  一般普通刊物(省级、国家级)审核时间为一周,高质量的杂志,审核时间为14-20天。   核心期刊审核时间一般为4个月,须经过初审、复审、终审三道程序。   期刊的级别问题   国家没有对期刊进行级别划分。但各单位一般根据期刊的主管单位的级别来对期刊划为省级期刊和国家级期刊。省级期刊主管单位是省级单位。国家级期刊主管单位是国家部门或直属部门。

欧式古典风格历史悠久,自六世纪的“拜占廷帝国”开始,经过罗马式、哥特式、文艺复兴式、巴洛克主义、洛可可主义以及帕拉第奥主义的多元化影响,经过岁月与战争的磨砺才焕发出古典与奢华的经典光芒。欧式古典风格多引入建筑结构元素,在凸凹有致的墙壁、罗马柱、雕花的掩映下,卷叶草、螺旋纹、葵花纹、弧线等欧式古典纹饰轻抚在精致家具陈设中,重现了宫廷般的华贵绚丽。欧式古典风格追求华丽、高雅,典雅中透着高贵,深沉里显露豪华,具有很强的文化韵味和历史内涵。空间上追求连续性,追求形体的变化和层次动感。室内外色彩鲜丽,光影变化丰富;为体现华丽的风格,家具、门、窗多漆成白色,家具、画框的线条部位饰以金线、金边突显棱角个锐气。细腻之处带有龟裂、让悠久沧桑历历在目。 欧洲古典建筑的历史源远流长,在经历了古希腊、古罗马经典建筑的洗礼之后,形成了以柱式、拱券、山花、门损、雕塑为主要构件的石构造建筑装饰风格。文艺复兴之后巴洛克、洛可可的艺术样式,对欧洲建筑室内装饰风格的演变起着至关重要的作用,形成了法式和英式两种典型的室内装饰流派。 巴洛克样式雄浑厚觉,在运用直线的同时也强调线型流动变化的特点。这种样式具有过 多的装饰和华美浑厚的效果。在室内将绘画、雕塑、工艺集中于装饰和陈设艺术上,墙面装饰多以展示精美的法国壁毯为主,同时镶有大型镜面或大理石,或以线脚重叠的责重木材镶边板装饰墙面。色彩华丽且用金色予以协调,以直线与曲线协调处理的猫脚家具和其他各种装饰工艺手段的使用,构成室内庄重豪华的气氛。 洛可可样式是继巴洛克样式之后在欧洲发展起来的。洛可可样式以其不均衡的轻快纤细的曲线而著称,中国和印度输入欧洲的室内装饰品对其也有影响。“洛可可”一词来自法国宫廷庭园中用贝壳、岩石制作的假山“洛卡优”,意大利人误叫成“洛可可”而流传开来。其特点为造型装饰多运用贝壳的曲线、皱摺和弯曲形构图分割,装饰尽繁琐、华丽之能事,色彩绚丽多姿,以及中国卷草纹的大量运用,具有轻快、流动、向外扩展的装饰效果。 作为欧洲文艺复兴时期的产物,古典主义设计风格继承了巴洛克风格中豪华、动感、多变的视觉效果,也吸取了洛可可风格中唯美、律动的细节处理元素,受到了社会上层人士的青睐。特别是古典风格中,深沉里显露尊贵、典雅浸透豪华的设计哲学,也成为这些成功人士享受快乐,理念生活的一种写照。欧式的居室有的不只是豪华大气,更多的是惬意和浪漫。通过完美的典线,精益求精的细节处理,带给家人不尽的舒服触感,实际上和谐是欧式风格的最高境界。同时,欧式装饰风格最适用于大面积房子,若空间太小,不但无法展现其风格气势,反而对生活在其间的人造成一种压迫感。当然,还要具有一定的美学素养,才能善用欧式风格,否则只会弄巧成拙。 造型欧式风格很讲究造型。 门的造型设计,包括房间的门和各种柜门,既要突出凹凸感,又要有优美的弧线,两种造型相映成趣,风情万种。 柱的设计也很有讲究,可以设计成典型的罗马柱造型,使整体空间具有更强烈的西方传统审美气息。 壁炉是西方文化的典型载体,选择欧式风格家装时,可以设计一个真的壁炉,也可以设计一个壁炉造型,辅以灯光,营造西方生活情调。 借助这三种造型,你的家居将充盈欧美文化的抽象美感。 灯饰 在欧式风格的家居空间里,灯饰设计应选择具有西方风情的造型,比如壁灯,在整体明快、简约、单纯的房屋空间里,传承着西方文化底蕴的壁灯静静泛着影影绰绰的灯光,朦胧、浪漫之感油然而生。 房间可采用反射式灯光照明或局部灯光照明,置身其中,舒适、温馨的感觉袭人,让那为尘嚣所困的心灵找到了归宿。 家具 欧式风格的家居宜选用现代感强烈的家具组合,特点是简单、抽象、明快、现代感强,组合家具的颜色选用白色或流行色,配上合适的灯光及现代化的电器,比如音像器材,就仿佛为主人编织了一个明快美丽的梦想。 挂画 在欧式风格的家居空间里,最好能在墙上挂金属框抽象画或摄影作品,也可以选择一些西方艺术家名作的赝品,比如人体画,直接把西方艺术带到家里,以营造浓郁的艺术氛围,表现主人的文化涵养。 欧式风格强调以华丽的装饰、浓烈的色彩、精美的造型达到雍容华贵的装饰效果。欧式客厅顶部喜用大型灯池,并用华丽的枝形吊灯营造气氛。门窗上半部多做成圆弧形,并用带有花纹的石膏线勾边。入厅口处多竖起两根豪华的罗马柱,室内则有真正的壁炉或假的壁炉造型。墙面最好用壁纸,或选用优质乳胶漆,以烘托豪华效果。地面材料以石材或地板为佳。欧式客厅非常需要用家具和软装饰来营造整体效果。深色的橡木或枫木家具,色彩鲜艳的布艺沙发,都是欧式客厅里的主角。还有浪漫的罗马帘,精美的油画,制作精良的雕塑工艺品,都是点染欧式风格不可缺少的元素。但需要注意的是,这类风格的装修,在面积、空间较大的房间内会达到更好的效果。 客厅的大部分处在挑空结构之下,大面积的玻璃窗带来了良好的采光,落地的窗帘很是气派。布艺沙发组合有着丝绒的质感以及流畅的木质曲线,将传统欧式家居的奢华与现代家居的实用性完美地结合。壁炉自然不可或缺,它被安置在空间结构的交汇处,与一幅色彩鲜艳的油画相呼应,敞开式的客厅提供了一个视觉中心。
