

发布时间:2024-07-18 11:30:00


English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak E We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak E It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge

Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde), often called the Mona Lisa, is a 16th century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel in Florence by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian R The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del GIt is perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose facial expression is often described as The ambiguity of the sitter's expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the painting's continuing It is probably the most famous painting that has ever been stolen from the Louvre and Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing, and A charcoal and graphite study of the Mona Lisa attributed to Leonardo is in the Hyde Collection, in Glens Falls, NY 丽莎(也称为乔康达或乔孔达像),通常被称为丽莎,是第十六世纪的肖像画在白杨木板上在由列奥纳多达文西在意大利文艺复兴。工作是由法国政府和墙壁上的卢浮宫在巴黎,法国的肖像丽莎格拉迪尼,妻子弗朗西斯科?乔贡德。这也许是最著名的标志性绘画的世界。 这幅画是一个半身肖像,描绘了一个女子的面部表情通常被描述为神秘的。模糊的人的表情,这巨大的half-figure组成,和微妙的造型形式和大气幻术是新的特质,有助于绘画的持续的魅力。这可能是最著名的绘画,曾从卢浮宫偷走和恢复。其他一些艺术作品受到尽可能多的审查,研究,神话,和模仿。炭和石墨研究蒙娜丽莎归因于列奥纳多在海德收藏,在峡谷瀑布,纽约。求采纳,谢谢!

你好,下文供你参考!艺术教育是生命早期发展的主要动力,是全面提升个体素质与能力的重要路径。每个儿童都拥有一颗艺术的心。儿童就是天生的艺术家。每个儿童都天生拥有着游戏的精神和艺术的心灵。古今中外许多杰出的科学家,往往也是颇具艺术修养的人士。比如爱因斯坦对音乐、文学的迷恋,早已成为脍炙人口的佳话,竺可桢、苏步青、李四光、高士其、李政道等也都具备深厚的艺术修养。难怪美国艺术学博士贝蒂·艾德华呼吁:“人人都应像艺术家一样思考!”Art education is the main driving force for the early development of life and an important way to comprehensively improve the quality and ability of Every child has an artistic Children are born Every child is born with the spirit of play and the spirit of Many outstanding scientists at all times and in all over the world are also people with great artistic For example, Einstein's infatuation with music and literature has become a popular Zhu Kezhen, Su Buqing, Li Siguang, Gao Shiqi, Li Zhengdao, also have profound artistic No wonder Betty Edwards, an American Art doctor, called for "everyone to think like an artist!"


漂亮的艺术品 在一个天气晴朗、阳光明媚的星期天,妈妈收拾房间的时候发现了许多空罐子,于是她就拿塑料袋装起来想扔掉。小明看见了,说:“妈妈,把这些空罐子给我吧!”妈妈问:“你要这些空罐子干什么呢?”“反正我有用。”“有用就给你吧!”小明拿着空罐子高兴极了。 小明把空罐子放到桌子上,然后他走到电话机旁给小方打电话,电话拨通后,小明说:“小方,你来我家做漂亮的艺术品吧?”“好啊!”小方很爽快地答应了。小明接着又给小红打电话,邀请小红到家里来做艺术品,小红也答应了。过了一会儿,小明听见了“叮咚、叮咚”的门铃声,他马上跑过去开门,原来是小方来了。“你怎么这么早就来了?”“我非常着急,想快点儿做好漂亮的艺术品呀!”说着说着,小红也来了。 三个朋友聚在一起,小明问:“我们做什么艺术品呢?”小红眨了眨眼睛说:“我们做灯吧?”小方说:“做灯会不会太难了?”小红问:“小方,那你说做什么呢?”小方想了想说:“不如我们做喝水用的杯子吧?”小明说:“这个主意不错,我赞成!”小红也表示赞成:“好吧!那我们需要哪些工具来做杯子呢?”小明拍拍胸脯说:“没问题,包在我身上,我们就用这些废弃的空罐子来做漂亮精致的杯子,怎么样?”小方和小明不约而同地说:“这是个好主意!” 三个人七手八脚地做了起来。小红拿起剪刀“咔嚓、咔嚓”剪了几下,空罐子马上就变成一个喝酒的杯子。小明和小方看她剪得又快又好,禁不住连声夸奖。后来,他们又动手做了许多种杯子:有的象吊灯、有的象花盆…… 看着这些漂亮的艺术品,大家都开心地笑了。 一件艺术品 在腋下挟着一卷用报纸包的东西,沙夏神经紧张地走进柯雪可夫医生的诊疗室。 “好啊!亲爱的孩子。”医生热切地问着。“你今天觉得怎样了?有没有什么好事呀?” 沙夏开始眨眨眼睛,一只手放在胸口,神经兮兮结结巴巴地回说: “我妈要我问候你并致谢意……我是我妈妈惟一的儿子,你救了我一命……你治好了我那可怕的疾病……还有……我们俩都不知道怎么感激你才好。” “够了!够了!我的年轻朋友,我们别提那个。”医生打了岔儿,很愉快地说,“我不过做了任何一位医生都会做的本分工作而已。” “我是我妈惟一的儿子……因为我们穷,所以无法付应该付你的……这件事情使我们觉得窘极了,大夫,我和我妈没有什么东西好送你,可是,我们要你收下这个,当作我们感谢你的纪念品,这东西……是稀有的珍品,是一件绝佳的青铜古玩。” 医生做了个鬼脸说:“嗨!我的好朋友!这完完全全是没有必要的,至少我并不需要这种玩意儿。” “哦!不!不!”沙夏结结巴巴地,“我求求你收下它吧!”他开始边打开包包边恳求地继续说,“假如你不收下,不免会冒犯我和我妈……这是稀世的青铜古玩……它是我过世了的父亲遗留下来的。他以前喜欢买古董,然后卖给爱搜集和雕刻古董的人们……现在我和我妈接下来继续做这行生意。” 沙夏把包包打开了,很热切地将它摆在桌子上。那是一座青铜做的矮烛台,整件是一组连贯的真正艺术品,台基上雕着两个“夏娃型装束”的女人,我没有那种胆量和气质来描述她们的姿态。两个塑像表露着卖弄风骚的笑态,给人一种印象,她们若不是得支住烛台,可能会从台基跃下来表演一番……亲爱的读者,就是那种连我也羞于想象的表演。 医生朝那礼物窥了一眼,他慢慢地搔着头清清嗓子摸了一下鼻子才说: “是的,不错,一件极美的作品。”他含含糊糊地说着,“但是,叫我怎么说呢?我的意思是……这是相当不平凡的……一点儿也不文气的,是不?你知道……魔鬼也知道……” “为什么?” “就是撒旦他自己也不会看到比这更丑陋的东西。难道我应该把这个令人想入非非的东西放在桌上玷污我整个家吗?” “为什么?医生,你对艺术有一种奇怪的偏见!”沙夏带着受到冒犯的语调嚷,“这是真正的杰作呀。看看吧!它有一种和谐美,冥想着它就会使人的灵魂充满狂喜,能使喉管抑制住啜泣呜咽!当你看到如此可爱的美女,你会全然忘掉所有俗世的东西。看看它吧,多生动,多富有韵律,多有表情!” “我的乖孩子,所有这些事我都懂得。”医生打断了他的话说。“但是我是个结过婚的人。小孩子在屋里跑进跑出,高贵淑女们也常不断地到我们这儿来看病。” “那当然。”沙夏应着,“假如你用低级人的观点去看它,那你真是用错误的眼光去欣赏这一件高尚的杰作。医生,特别是你又不肯收下这礼物,那更是大大地冒犯了我和我妈,我是我妈惟一的儿子。……你救了我的命……为了报答你,我们要送你我们最喜爱的东西……但是啊!我只遗憾我们无法送你能跟这个烛台配对的宝贝。” “朋友,谢了!真谢谢了!……向你妈致意……还有,看在上帝的面上,你必定也看得出来的。小孩子们在这屋里跑进跑出,不断地又有淑女们来……无论如何,唉!算了,就把它搁在这儿吧!跟你争论也是没用的。” “别再说了,”沙夏高兴地叫着,“把烛台放在花瓶旁边。啊!真可惜不能找到能与它配对的宝贝送你,但是,也只能这样,好了,再见,医生!” 沙夏走后,医生搔着头看那烛台好一阵子。他想:“好呀!这实在美!抛掉它不免可惜……我又不敢留着它……哼!真想不起来可有什么人,我可以拿它当礼物送给他?” 他仔细考虑良久,想起一位律师好友乌可夫。他欠了乌可夫一些法律服务上的债。 “好极了!”医生吃吃地笑着,“我和他那么亲近,我不好意思送他钱,何不就送他这猥亵的东西。……而且他是再好不过的礼物对象……他不但是单身,还有几分放荡。” 如此想过之后,他马上行动,穿戴整齐,拿着烛台往乌可夫家里来。 “老朋友!早啊!”他说,“我来谢谢你,麻烦过你的事……你不肯收钱,因此,我就送你这个精美的艺术杰作为酬谢……看这个,你自己说说看,是不是个梦?”律师望了它一眼,为它的美所振奋。“多美妙的艺术杰作!”他哄然大笑地说,“上帝啊!真不知道那些艺术家脑子里装了些什么怪念头。多诱人!你从哪儿弄来这样美好的玩艺儿?” 但是,一阵兴奋过后,他有些害怕了。他偷偷地朝房门望了一下说道: “可是,老朋友,我不能收下这个。你必须赶快把它带回去。” “为什么?”医生惊呆了。 “因为……因为……我母亲经常来看我,我的顾客也来这里。还有,在仆人面前,我岂不是会丢尽了脸。” “别再说了。”医生做了个手势,“你一定要收下它,你不收是你不够意思。这么好的艺术品,多好的韵律,多美的表情……如果你拒绝收下你就大大地冒犯了我。” “如果这个地方有花叶遮掩着就……” 但是医生拒绝听他的,手势比得更加厉害,冲出乌可夫的屋子,很高兴地想着他终于摆脱了那件礼物。 医生走后,律师仔细地察看那烛台,就像那位医生一样,开始考虑如何处理它。 “一件美好的东西。”他想,“丢掉嘛可惜,收下来嘛觉得丢脸。我最好把它交给别人……有了!……今晚我就拿它送给喜剧名伶苏希金。那个家伙喜欢这类东西,还有,今晚他有广场义演……”想做就做,那天下午他将包得好好的烛台带去苏希金家。整晚,苏希金的化妆室被一群男人挤得水泄不通。都挤着要看那件礼物。通夜满屋里回响着近似马嘶般的狂欢笑声。如果有女演员要进门来,问说:“我可以进来吗?”粗嗓子的苏希金会立刻回她:“哦!不!不行!我的乖乖,不能进来,我还没穿好衣服呢。”喜剧名伶表演过后,耸耸双肩做着手势说: “现在对这件宝贝东西,我可要怎么办?我住在私人公寓里,经常有女演员来访。这又不是一帧相片我可以收进抽屉里。” 一个做假发的建议他说: “为什么不把它卖掉呢?有一位老妇人专门收买青铜古玩……她叫史密诺娃……你最好去跑一趟,人家会告诉你地方的,这城里几乎人人都认得她的。” 喜剧名伶苏希金接受了他的建议…… 过了两天,柯雪可夫一手支着头,会在他的药剂室调药丸,突然房门打开了,沙夏冲进来,他绽放笑容满腔高兴……手里握着用报纸包裹的东西。 “大夫!”他上气不接下气地叫道,“你不可能想象得到我有多高兴,真够幸运,我替你的烛台找到了配对,妈妈真是高兴。我是我妈惟一的儿子……你救了我的命……”然后,沙夏感激得抖颤疯狂,把烛台放在医生的面前。欲言又止,医生张口结舌,一个字也吐不出来……他已经失去谈话的能力。

Because cultural context different, speaks the different language person when conversation, even if the language accurate is unmistakable, also can have the Frequently because a speech said is appropriate, causes the listener to laugh loudly The language reflects a national the characteristic, it not only is containing this nationality's history and the cultural context, moreover is containing this nationality to the life the view, the life style and the thinking Language and cultural mutual influence, interaction; Understood the language must understand the culture, understood the culture must understand the Through each kind of channel, I understood concerned to the language and the cultural aspect Because in the cultural difference, in the foreign lecture person frequently discovered audience some joke which say to him did not However can cause person Yang Mafan in the domestic identical joke which the audience A Chinese youth to the neighbor swimming pool swimming, a while came back, why does a foreigner ask, he explained: "In the swimming pool the person too are many, water too dirty, early should Like sesame jam boiled " Another Chinese youth has smiled, but that foreigner simply did not know any is the sesame jam and the boiled Basic cannot feel slightly The Chinese meets mutually says time the hello, often said: "You have eaten?" But the foreigner can think this kind of greeting is said: "I have not eaten, we walk together eat a thing!" This kind of greeting thought only invites the others to eat Also once just arrived China the foreign scholar tied anxiously said with Chinese that, "Why did you always ask I ate did not have? I am " In English has Good morning, Good aftenoon, Good evening all is equal in Chinese "hello" When Good noon, Good night all is the farewell said In US, the regular meeting hears to the American woman to discuss how her husband does work diligently, does like this splendidly, obtains the reward and so Also can praise own children to be intelligent and so However can think in China like this An American university sets up Chinese spoken language training class, some two teachers teach, their native language word all is not a C When attends class, male teacher refers oneself said that, "This is the thing?" The female teacher shakes the head said that, "You are not the " The male teacher also asked that, "You are the thing?" Female teacher reply that, "I am not the " Perhaps the Chinese can guess obtains a ball in a shop (in china shop bull) but not to be able to imagine says in English person mind the image: Niu Penzhuo breathes, ablaze with anger the bull rushes in suspends the full view chinaware in the However, this view meaning is: Clever is appropriate in a need manner, the careful thorough situation rushes in a behavior asperity In the Chinese culture, the turtle has two kind of significances: On the one hand symbolic longevity, on the other hand is curses at But associates not like this in the western culture, the turtle is only the slow-moving, As for China that, the bat is propitious, health, happy These associations is possible to come the character bat the name and the lucky In foreign country, the people mention the bat, thinks of the ugly Therefore exchanges in us with the foreigner, we should all the time pay attention to own 中文:由于文化背景不同,操不同语言的人在交谈时,即使语言准确无误,也会产生误会常常由于一句话说得不得体,使听者捧腹大笑 语言反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民族的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式语言与文化互相影响,互相作用;理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言通过各种渠道,我了解到了更多有关于语言与文化方面的知识 由于文化上的差异,在外国演讲的人经常发现听众对他讲的某个笑话毫无反映然而在国内同一个笑话会使听众笑的人仰马翻 一个中国青年到附近游泳池游泳,一会儿就回来了,一个外国人问为什么,他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了像芝麻酱煮饺子”另一个中国青年笑了,而那个外国人根本不知道什么是芝麻酱和煮饺子根本感觉不到丝毫幽默 中国人见面互相打招呼时,常说:“你吃了吗?”而外国人会以为这种招呼是说:“我也没有吃,我们一起走吃点东西吧!”这种招呼以为只邀请别人来吃饭也曾经一位刚到中国的外国学者结巴巴地用汉语说:“你们为什么老问我吃了没有?我有钱” 英语中有Good morning,Good aftenoon,Good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”但 Good noon,Good night都是告别时说的话在美国,常会听到美国妇女谈她丈夫工作如何努力,干得这样出色,得到奖励等也会夸自己的子女多么聪明等然而在中国就会认为这样俗气 一所美国大学开办汉语口语训练班,有两位教师来教,他们的本族语言都不是汉语上课时,男老师指指自己说:“这是东西吗?”女教师摇摇头说:“你不是东西”男教师又问:“你是东西吗?”女教师回答:“不,我不是东西” 中国人也许会猜得出a ball in a shop(瓷店里的公牛)但想象不出说英语人心目中的形象:一头牛喷着鼻息,怒气冲冲地公牛闯进摆满景致瓷器的店里然而,这种说法的意思是:在一个需要举止灵巧得体,细致周密的场合闯进一个行为粗鲁的人 在中国文化中,龟有两种意义:一方面象征长寿,另一方面则是骂人但是在西方文化中没有这样联想,乌龟不过是行动缓慢,其貌不扬的动物而已 对于中国来说,蝙蝠是吉祥,健康,幸福的象征这些联想可能来字蝙蝠的名称——蝠与福同音在外国,人们提到蝙蝠,就想到丑陋凶恶的形象 因此在我们与外国人交流中,我们应该时时刻刻的注意自己的语

English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak E We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak E It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge


English is one of the most common languages that are speaking in the According to the research, there is nearly one person in every ten people can speak E We need to learn English because as our country's economy's developes, there are more and more oppotunities for us to visit other If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know how to speak Chinese, we need to speak E It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge




你好,下文供你参考!艺术教育是生命早期发展的主要动力,是全面提升个体素质与能力的重要路径。每个儿童都拥有一颗艺术的心。儿童就是天生的艺术家。每个儿童都天生拥有着游戏的精神和艺术的心灵。古今中外许多杰出的科学家,往往也是颇具艺术修养的人士。比如爱因斯坦对音乐、文学的迷恋,早已成为脍炙人口的佳话,竺可桢、苏步青、李四光、高士其、李政道等也都具备深厚的艺术修养。难怪美国艺术学博士贝蒂·艾德华呼吁:“人人都应像艺术家一样思考!”Art education is the main driving force for the early development of life and an important way to comprehensively improve the quality and ability of Every child has an artistic Children are born Every child is born with the spirit of play and the spirit of Many outstanding scientists at all times and in all over the world are also people with great artistic For example, Einstein's infatuation with music and literature has become a popular Zhu Kezhen, Su Buqing, Li Siguang, Gao Shiqi, Li Zhengdao, also have profound artistic No wonder Betty Edwards, an American Art doctor, called for "everyone to think like an artist!"

Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde), often called the Mona Lisa, is a 16th century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel in Florence by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian R The work is owned by the Government of France and is on the wall in the Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del GIt is perhaps the most famous and iconic painting in the The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a woman whose facial expression is often described as The ambiguity of the sitter's expression, the monumentality of the half-figure composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the painting's continuing It is probably the most famous painting that has ever been stolen from the Louvre and Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing, and A charcoal and graphite study of the Mona Lisa attributed to Leonardo is in the Hyde Collection, in Glens Falls, NY 丽莎(也称为乔康达或乔孔达像),通常被称为丽莎,是第十六世纪的肖像画在白杨木板上在由列奥纳多达文西在意大利文艺复兴。工作是由法国政府和墙壁上的卢浮宫在巴黎,法国的肖像丽莎格拉迪尼,妻子弗朗西斯科?乔贡德。这也许是最著名的标志性绘画的世界。 这幅画是一个半身肖像,描绘了一个女子的面部表情通常被描述为神秘的。模糊的人的表情,这巨大的half-figure组成,和微妙的造型形式和大气幻术是新的特质,有助于绘画的持续的魅力。这可能是最著名的绘画,曾从卢浮宫偷走和恢复。其他一些艺术作品受到尽可能多的审查,研究,神话,和模仿。炭和石墨研究蒙娜丽莎归因于列奥纳多在海德收藏,在峡谷瀑布,纽约。求采纳,谢谢!

The era of globalization has arrived, advising transfer, cultural exchange, wants at this stage of international communication skills to survive they must have spoken, English is the common language of the world, in a world where communication is inevitable learn English not only to international demand, more importantly, to our knowledge of the expansion itself, especially in information technology today, many are using computer-based language for programming, so learning English is very important at this stage



你的美术教育论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向? 老师有没有和你说论文往哪个方向写比较好?写论文之前,一定要写个大纲,这样老师,好确定了框架,避免以后论文修改过程中出现大改的情况!!学校的格式要求、写作规范要注意,否则很可能发回来重新改,你要还有什么不明白或不懂可以问我,希望你能够顺利毕业,迈向新的人生。毕业论文怎么写?毕业设计和毕业论文是本科生培养方案中的重要环节。学生通过毕业论文,综合性地运用几年内所学知识去分析、解决一个问题,在作毕业论文的过程中,所学知识得到疏理和运用,它既是一次检阅,又是一次锻炼。不少学生在作完毕业设计后,感到自己的实践动手、动笔能力得到锻炼,增强了即将跨入社会去竞争,去创造的自信心。这里仅将我们教研室老师近年指导本科毕业生论文中的体会整理出来,希望能对学生毕业论文有所帮助。选择一个相关的题目,应该是你感兴趣并且和你所学的专业相关的。进行文献检索,查找有关这个主题的所有研究成果,并且进行深入的研究。在广泛的吸收别人的成果的同时,思考自己在这个问题上的观点和看法,这是你能做的最重要的一步。参考科技论文的写作规范,先写出大纲,再增加内容形成草稿,反复修改,最后定稿。需要注意地问题: 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。一般说来,篇幅较长的毕业论文,都没有分标题。设置分标题的论文,因其内容的层次较多,整个理论体系较庞大、复杂,故通常设目录。参考文献又叫参考书目,它是指作者在撰写毕业论文过程中所查阅参考过的著作和报刊杂志,它应列在毕业论文的末尾。列出参考文献有三个好处:一是当作者本人发现引文有差错时,便于查找校正。二是可以使毕业论文答辩委员会的教师了解学生阅读资料的广度,作为审查毕业论文的一种参考依据。三是便于研究同类问题的读者查阅相关的观点和材料。


