

发布时间:2024-07-05 20:24:09


交通问题之我见 My View on Traffic Problems There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing How to solve the headache? 毫无疑问,交通拥堵成为大部分城市地区居民越来越担心的问题。在繁忙时段,一些主要道路经常交通堵塞。有限的交通容量是导致这一令人烦恼的问题的主要原因。怎样解决这个令人头疼的问题呢? The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass It is a cheap and good We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth 现有的交通拥堵解决方案主要针对地铁公交系统和扩大主要道路。拓宽现有道路可以在一定程度上解决交通挤塞。急剧攀升的汽车拥有量是导致这一恼人问题的长期原因,因此我们必须大幅度减少对汽车的严重依赖,转向大众交通。这是一种既便宜又好的方法。我们可以创建一个定制的巴士路线系统,突出地铁,电车和轻轨的发展。这些方法的有效结合将使城市地区拥有一个更顺畅的交通。

In the past,my hometown was not very big, people lived a poor The houses were old and Pollution was serious,and there was rubbish he traffic was not very convenient that so few people came Now great changes have taken place in my The environment has become more The mountains are all green,the river clearer and the sky Many people all have thier own cars and have a happy life And now, every year,thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our My hometown becomes more and more I'm sure my hometown will become better and better in the

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush



成交通事故的主要原因。(一)、我们驾驶员驾车一天中要经过几个“危险时段”,应引起驾驶员的高度重视: 1、中午 大约在11时—13时。此时由于人的大脑神经已趋疲劳,导致反应灵敏度减弱,加之有的司机急于赶路,把本该吃饭的时间一拖再拖,饥肠辘辘,手脚发软,极易发生意外。同时,午餐后人体内大量血液集中作用于胃肠等消化器官,脑部供血相对减少,会出现短暂的困倦感,应休息一会儿,千万不要急于加班开疲劳车。 2、晚饭后 大约在18时—22时。该时段通常为夜间交通事故的高发期。因为现在人们的夜生活丰富多彩,除了一般的晚宴外,还有跳舞、唱卡拉OK等娱乐活动,此时,不论是行人还是驾车人都十分疲倦,安全意识薄弱,极易发生交通事故。 3、午夜 大约23时—3时,此时万籁俱寂,万物处于“休眠状态”,路上行人车辆稀少,驾驶员易产生麻痹心理,此外,这段时间为全天温度最低时刻,易导致大脑反应迟钝,血压降低,手足血管神经僵硬、麻痹。这些都加大了交通事故发生的概率。 (二)、造成交通事故的主要原因还是由于驾驶员无视交通法规造成的,其中以饮酒后驾车最为严重。那么,为什么规定酒后不准驾驶机动车呢?因为机动车是一种速度快、冲力大的交通工具,它要求驾驶员行车时,对于道路上瞬息万变的交通情况,要在0.75秒内做出迅速的判断,并采取恰当的技术措施,才能保证交通安全。饮酒后,酒会对人的中枢神经起麻醉抑制作用。实验证明,饮酒者每100毫升血液中含酒精50毫克时,反应能力即有所下降,达到100毫克时,下降约35%,达到150毫克时,下降50%,并使人动作失调,手脚失控。驾驶员在没有饮酒的情况下行车,发现前方危险情况,从视觉感知到踩动踏板的动作之间的反应时间一般为0.75秒。饮酒后一是驾驶员会出现远视,视物的立体感上发生误差;二是反应时间要增大二至三倍。所以,我国《道路交通法》中规定禁止酒后开车。可有人误认为禁酒只限于白酒,实际上凡是酒类都含有酒精成分,如啤酒含3%至5%,葡萄酒含10%至15%,白酒含50%至60%。据统计,驾驶员酒后开车,其发生交通事故的比率为没有饮酒情况下的16倍。由于酒后开车,对交通秩序和交通安全危害极大,因此,我国把酒后开车按严重违章论处。 交通事故的处理程序 当然我们也不排除交通事故的偶然性。为了减少大家不必要的经济损失,节约大家的宝贵时间,我重点给大家讲一下发生了交通事故什么办,什么情况下使用交通快速处理程序即交通适用简易程序处理交通事故。 交通适用简易程序处理交通事故它范围是:交通事故未造成人员受伤,事实清楚,财产损失3万元(含)以下的交通事故;造成人员受伤,受伤人员认为自己伤情轻微并当事人对事实及成因无争议的交通事故。 交通事故时时刻刻都会发生,它就像颗威力十足的炸药,一时大意,这颗埋伏在我们生活中的炸药就会交通事故是那么可怕,一刹那间,就夺走了人的生命。现在路上的车辆越来越多,马路越来越拥挤,同时交通事故也越来越多,每年,有多少的生命被夺走,有多少个家庭被破坏,有多少人要失去亲人了。如果我们每个人心中都有交通规则,每个人都能自觉遵守交通规则。我相信一定可以避免很多悲惨的交通事故。让交通法规在我人们心中生根吧,让我们牢牢记住:遵守交通规则就是珍爱生命!爆炸,炸得家庭破碎,炸得人心悲苦。所以我们要遵守交通规则。


Today, more and more urban people have private There is no doubt that private cars make us travel faster and farther, but they do have caused some For example, they emit too much exhaust fumes and thus pollute the This causes further The old people especially suffer a lot from Private cars also contribute greatly to the increase of traffic jams and Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and For example, people have to set off well in advance to get to work on time and come back very late when their work is If the speed of road construction can not keep up with the quickly growing numbers of the cars, the road will be crowded seriously as time goes Even though,the development of private cars offer great convenience and flexibility, you can no longer rely on public transport, free-wheeling to go to their own However, private cars, city traffic conditions will become worse, the phenomenon of traffic jams are everywhere, too many cars will pollute the My point is, it should be the development of the private Thus promoting economic development, facilitating people's But for the environment, we can make greater efforts to protect other 现如今,越来越多的城市人有私人汽车。 毫无疑问私家车让我们出行更快更远,但他们却引起了一些问题。例如,他们冒烟太多,因此废气污染了空气。这导致更多的问题。尤其是老人更甚。私人汽车也极大地促进了增加的交通拥堵和事故的发生。交通拥塞长期以来一直是最关心的问题和投诉在大城市。这已经引起了很大的不便与人们的生活和工作。例如,人们必须预先设定了上班要准时回来时,他们的工作是很晚了。如果我们对公路建设跟不上快速增多的汽车,道路会很拥挤的严重随着时间的推移。 即便如此,发展私家车提供很大的便利和灵活性,可以不再依赖公共交通,随心所欲的去自己想去的地方。但是,私家车会使城市交通状况变的更糟,到处都是堵车现象,太多轿车会污染空气 。我的观点是,应该发展私家车。这样促进了经济的发展,方便了人们的生活。但是对于环境问题,我们可以从其他方面加大力度去保护

and is useful to our They care for As a teacher,tens of students go to see Some people want to be a scientist,you maight be poor,some want to be a When I was in primary school,talking and I think being a teacher is glorious and respectable,and others want to be a GM! Now I study hard to achieve my dreamI Have A Dream Everyone has his But my dream is quite different,I had this During Teachers',show their respect to you,but you will be rich in spirit; Day and weekends,I want to be a teacher,and they differ from people to What a good thing


城市交通存在的问题及对策分析摘 要:研究城市交通的现状,分析城市交通存在的主要问题,采用城市交通管理中以人为本、规划先导、多元参与、公交优先的指导理念,提出完善城市路网建设、发展城市公共交通系统、深化交通管理体制、提高交通管理水平的改善措施。关键词:城市交通; 智能交通系统; 快速公交系统城市交通是城市活动的重要组成部分,犹如人体的动脉,维系着整个城市的正常运转。随着人口的增多、科技的进步和城市规模的扩大,交通方式由原来简单的车马舟船,演变为现在的火车、汽车、地铁、飞机等各种综合型的运输方式。交通作为现代城市的重要体现和标志,见证着每一个城市的历史与文明、发展与兴衰。城市交通不仅仅是一个市政工程问题或交通技术问题,而且是一个综合性的社会问题。一、我国城市交通的现状新中国成立后,我国的交通运输业有了日新月异的发展,到20世纪80年代初已经形成了初具规模的综合运输体系。改革开放以后,经济的快速增长为交通发展提供了物质保障;人口与就业岗位急剧增长,市区人口进一步集聚;与此同时,建设用地面积不断扩大,以北京市为例,近10年来,全市建设用地平均每年扩展50平方公里,市级开发区已批准用地达210平方公里。在这些背景条件下,我国城市交通得到了巨大的发展,集中表现在机动化的实施、交通设施的增加和交通需求的变化。(一)机动车的快速增长机动车一方面是城市交通发展的条件,另一方面也是城市交通发展现代化的最集中体现。随着经济的发展,汽车产业异军突起,生产数量以每年 7%的速度增长。目前,汽车已成为全国城市最主要的交通工具。公共汽车是目前我国城市交通最主要的载客工具。2004年末全国公共汽车运营数量为 2万辆,出租车数量为 4万辆。随着城市经济的发展、居民收入水平的提高以及中国加入世界贸易组织等因素的影响,我国的私人汽车拥有量增长迅速,年平均增长 6%。特别是在东部经济发达城市,私家车增长异常迅速。城市私人汽车拥有量的增长,一方面给居民生活出行等提供了极大便利;另一方面,私人交通的发展造成了交通堵塞等一系列交通问题。此外,城市轨道交通等新型交通工具也有了一定发展。(二)交通设施规模的不断扩充改革开放以来,城市交通基础设施特别是道路建设增长很快,道路容量的增长可以满足机动车保有量快速增长的需求,保障了城市经济活动的正常运行,支撑了城市社会经济的发展。根据国家统计局《中国统计年鉴2005》显示,城市道路长度由1990年的 5万公里,增加到2005年的 3万公里;城市道路面积由1990年的 9亿平方米,增加到2005年的 3亿平方米。(三)交通需求变化显著交通设施规模的扩张、交通管理水平的提高和交通环境的改善,反映了我国交通供给与投资的增加,此外,交通需求也表现出一定的发展变化。交通需求是一个国家或地区范围内一定时期必须发生的运输和运输周转,通常包括出行者的出行总量、出行次数、出行特征、出行方式等。北京从1986年第一次出行调查以来,全市日出行量年均递增4%, 2003年已达到2 100万人次(不含步行出行量),增长了87%,一次出行平均行程也由6公里增长到8公里,出行周转量增加了 49倍;市区机动车出行总量由42万车次/日发展到345万车次/日。未来交通出行需求增长的突出表现在出行距离的增长和机动车出行总量的大幅度上升。预计到2010年,平均一次出行距离达到10

公共服务品质管理 公共安全风险应对 交通运营安全管理 等等都可以的呀采纳哦


在刚刚结束的期中考试里,我犯了很多不该犯的错误。 我一向语文很好,可是这次鬼使神差的,语文竟然错了很多不该错的地方。经过我的仔细反思,我想这和我阅读题目不认真有着很大的关系。这点也同样延伸到了数学和英语方面。很多计算和语法上的小错误让我丢掉了不少分数。例如:(这个我不能替你写,不知道你究竟错了什么,举上几个小例子就行,50字左右) 我知道老师对于我有着很大的期望,可是我还是没有考好。对于这点我感到十分抱歉。但是既然犯了错误就要改正,所以,通过考试我也想了很多以后一定要学习的东西。 首先我要改掉考试不细心读题目的坏习惯。有时候我往往看着题目前面就顺手把后面的问题写上了,但是却错了很多。这也许也和答题技巧有关系。总之,通过以后的练习,我一定要在考试的过程之中认真审题,自习读题,把题目看准、看好。时间允许的时候要多检查几遍,绝对不允许自己再犯类似于这样的无谓的错误。 其次,我还要加强语文、数学、英语三门主科以及政治、历史、地理、生物和物理的习题强化。通过考试,我终于明白山外有山,人外有人。平日大家都聚在一起做一样的题目,感觉不出来有什么明显的差异。可是一当考试,才发现原来那么多考试题目是我从来看都没看过的(你就先编着吧)。只怪自己买的练习题做的少。不能允许自己再继续这样下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,从这次考试之中汲取教训,增加力量,为下一次考试做好准备,打好基础。 考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的复习计划,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,语文积累好词好句,数学也要多积累难的题目,英语则是语法项目。对做完形填空等练习题也是提高英语的好方法。 期中考试毕竟不是期末考试,我还是有机会的。下一次考试,我要更努力,争取不让老师、家长和同学们失望。不让自己失望。 对于各科老师,我希望老师不要对我失去信心,虽然我这次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的实力。下一次考试,我一定会努力的! 视情况改变!!!!!!!!!!!!评论(2) | 给力3不给力2

交通问题之我见 My View on Traffic Problems There is no doubt that traffic congestion becomes a growing worry for the residents of most urban Some major roads are regularly choked with traffic in rush The limited transport capacity contributes largely to the vexing How to solve the headache? 毫无疑问,交通拥堵成为大部分城市地区居民越来越担心的问题。在繁忙时段,一些主要道路经常交通堵塞。有限的交通容量是导致这一令人烦恼的问题的主要原因。怎样解决这个令人头疼的问题呢? The existing solutions to traffic jam mainly aim at creating metro bus systems and broadening major Widening the existing roads can solve traffic snarls on some Soaring car ownership compounds the chronic annoying problem, so we must sharply reduce the heavy reliance on cars and drive a shift to the mass It is a cheap and good We can create a system of customized bus routes and highlight the development of subways, trolleys and light The effective combination of these solutions will enable the urban areas to possess a smooth 现有的交通拥堵解决方案主要针对地铁公交系统和扩大主要道路。拓宽现有道路可以在一定程度上解决交通挤塞。急剧攀升的汽车拥有量是导致这一恼人问题的长期原因,因此我们必须大幅度减少对汽车的严重依赖,转向大众交通。这是一种既便宜又好的方法。我们可以创建一个定制的巴士路线系统,突出地铁,电车和轻轨的发展。这些方法的有效结合将使城市地区拥有一个更顺畅的交通。

The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush

In the 1960s because the Europe and America industrially advanced country the economical swift growth, compact car sharp growth, caused the municipal transportation to support stops up, to alleviate the municipal transportation to support stops up proposed the public transportation first municipal transportation developmental strategy, according to the above, the European and American some city's transportation supported stops up obtained certain Afterward, in our country, facing urbanized, motorization challenge, as well as urban development, the people realize the transportation question to become gradually restrict the urban development the primary Therefore, many transportation workers and the urban government start to pay great attention to give priority to the mass transit, realizes the urban land intensification use and the sustainable development, avoids walking the Western developed country again by the compact car journey old route This article in absorbs the domestic and foreign many scholar research results in the foundation, how discussed initially to establish the urban public transportation first general system's first, this article introduced from the background and the concept the public transportation first connotation and the measure, let the reader be able first to have a rational understanding to the public Next, the comprehensive elaboration implementation public transportation first strategy policy, from the high place macroscopic has grasped to realize the urban public transportation first general system, government's guidance and support Third, the concrete public transportation first measure from the spot, the line, surface angle embarking, by the road section, the road intersection, the network will divide into the chapter, has discussed the road section public transportation first general measure, the street intersection public transportation first general measure, the public transportation priority network plan method , In the road section public transportation first general measure, mainly introduced the public transportation special-purpose road's classification and the establishment In the street intersection measure, has studied the spatial first measure and the time preference measure separately, namely the public transportation special-purpose enters the tastes and the road intersection public transportation priority signal But in the network planning method, elaborated for everybody establishes a public transportation priority network the Finally, this article urban Lanzhou which is at by the author is an example, has analyzed this city existing mass transit question, and proposed this city should establish a complete public transportation first general system's
