

发布时间:2024-07-17 03:53:02


What do you expect from the development of China's high-speed rail?

CRH 就是 China Railway High-speed 意思是 中国高速铁路~ 一楼那个 你懂不懂 不懂就闭嘴!也许你就会写“知识产权”这几个字!你这种人才真是耻辱! 不懂多去学习 多去看书 比你在这人云亦云强的多!你是否正真了解过中国这些机车车辆的制造和生产 举个最简单的例子 CRH2型是引进日本川崎重工的技术制造的 原型车是日本新干线E2-1000型动车组 这没错 但重点在你是否有能力消化这些技术并且再创新!韩棒子,印度阿三现在给他技术他都消化不了!现在的E2-1000系列跑多快 再看看CRH2系列跑多快 跑得过吗?难道这里面没有自己的技术创新?这些技术自然是具有自主知识产权的!

It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation and as also some people believe that it is no future my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient My reasons are as follows: First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses and it is much more convenient to transport goods for example ,a businessman in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much Secondly,the most important disadvantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money , I believe China can hold it As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!这是一个很热的话题现在很多城市已经开通高速铁路。很多人说,这条高速铁路是比其他交通工具要好很多。也有些人相信它是没有什么未来。我认为,高速铁路给我们带来真正的方便。我的理由如下: 首先,高速铁路站是更接近我们的生活区,像公交车一样。和运输要方便得多。例如,一个在上海的商人要去四川与 1000 公斤的物品,如果他去四川乘飞机,他需要去郊区因为总是在郊区,和它机场需要花多少钱来检查货物。如果他乘火车去,他要从家里,很远的地方去火车站和火车带更多的时间而且如果他乘公共汽车,虽然很方便,它不仅需要花多少钱,而且还浪费太多时间。其次,高速铁路的最重要的缺点是它需要有大量的乘客。中国作为世界人口第二多的国家,没有压力。更重要的是,中国正在"高速"发展中,即使高速铁路花很多钱,我相信中国可以承受得起。综上所述,我坚信未来的高速铁路未来一片光明 !


Technology are surrounding us everyday and every In China, railway is the most useful technology resource! You can find it everywhere and mostly people rides it everyday!然后就接着上面那人的就好了

在中国 一般火车就在 普通铁路上跑,速度 低于160。动车 在普通铁路和高速铁路上都有, 这段时间 中国铁路 进行了大范围的降速。现在 普通铁路上跑的动车,速度 160。 高速铁路上跑的动车 速度250 高铁 只在 高速铁路上跑,速度300。舒适性方面,动车和高铁差不多,比一般火车舒适很多。价格方面,当然 高铁最高,其次 是250的动车,再次是 160的动车。最后是 一般火车。一般火车还分为有空调和没空调的。

My favourite season is It is a harvest Farmers are all busy getting in the There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on



在中国 一般火车就在 普通铁路上跑,速度 低于160。动车 在普通铁路和高速铁路上都有, 这段时间 中国铁路 进行了大范围的降速。现在 普通铁路上跑的动车,速度 160。 高速铁路上跑的动车 速度250 高铁 只在 高速铁路上跑,速度300。舒适性方面,动车和高铁差不多,比一般火车舒适很多。价格方面,当然 高铁最高,其次 是250的动车,再次是 160的动车。最后是 一般火车。一般火车还分为有空调和没空调的。

Dear Tom, It is a pleasure to receive and read your letter in which you are intended to visit China in July this Since you are expecting to learn what means of transportation is suitable while you are travelling in China, I'd like to tell you the answer It is nothing but CRH, China Raiway High-speed, that suits you To strat with, as is known to all, not only does CRH bring a passenger high speed, but also it makes his or her journey both comfortable and In addition, it is quite safe to take a CRH that always arrives on In the end, CRH tickets, whose prices are resonable, are accessible easily either at railway stations or on the I Self-service ticket machines can be of much help, on which you can buy CRH tickets anytime as you like.Any further questions,please? Just inform me of I'm looking forward to seeing you in C Yours truly,Li Hua

CRH 就是 China Railway High-speed 意思是 中国高速铁路~ 一楼那个 你懂不懂 不懂就闭嘴!也许你就会写“知识产权”这几个字!你这种人才真是耻辱! 不懂多去学习 多去看书 比你在这人云亦云强的多!你是否正真了解过中国这些机车车辆的制造和生产 举个最简单的例子 CRH2型是引进日本川崎重工的技术制造的 原型车是日本新干线E2-1000型动车组 这没错 但重点在你是否有能力消化这些技术并且再创新!韩棒子,印度阿三现在给他技术他都消化不了!现在的E2-1000系列跑多快 再看看CRH2系列跑多快 跑得过吗?难道这里面没有自己的技术创新?这些技术自然是具有自主知识产权的!




The practice of drinking tea has had a long history in China, having originated from The Chinese drink tea during many parts of the day such as at meals for good health or simply for Although tea originates from China, Chinese tea generally represent tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from ancient C Tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of C The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar

According to a recently survey,most Chinese like drinking As most people No one can deny(否定) that tea is our Chinese traditional Why do most people drink In my humble opinion(在下认为),drinking tea has many Such as someone could refresh himself(提神) after drinking Even someone want to lose weight,drinking tea is a good For a study(调查,因为上面已经使用过survey了,所以换一个词) shows if someone often drink tea,the calorie in his body are lower than those who didn't drink tea,etc(等等)For these reasons,most Chinese like drinking


conspectus of chinese national spectus of chinese 民族精神-ethos概论-conspectus

(3) social custom differences China is a by modest as a virtue of society, therefore, we accept others in praise of often take the way when We are not accustomed to accept praise and gradually formed not used to direct expression of praise custom, even if we to some things or a person be praise of While American to others the praise makes no secret of expression comes out, they become the praise of the language in the life is very important Not only in the language to express the In many of the details to life, social customs between China and the United States is very For example deal with time, the man is a strictly abide by the time In their view of talents is only keep time have the sincerity of the Their time as his own private space, early or late is to disrupt their private life And the Chinese often can understand a reason time is Treat color, holidays, and many other life The difference is very So in the business communication, these social customs between ever-present affect Three, with business in cultural differences between China and the United States communication skills (a) first, strengthen cross-cultural awareness, narrow cultural The so-called /"cross-cultural consciousness/", which means that in different culture communication to succeed in foreign culture and enterprise to improve the sensitivity of the spirit and tolerance, understanding each other's values and behavior characteristics, to build up the atmosphere of mutual trust and For the two social system, history and culture of two very different people, we want to each other in a friendly and mutual benefit cooperation to the atmosphere in the long endure, should overcome /"national exposing falsehood/" influence, to carry forward its outstanding historical culture and at the same time, the folk custom culture absorb other countries bag, respect for understanding the rationality of the existence of heterogeneous Only narrow cultural differences, can make both sides in the commercial activity permanent harmonious (2) next, insist on their culture, compatible with other The enemy only, can ever To deeply understand the great motherland the long history of Chinese civilization, shape his descendants temperament, makes China's business workers itself is the flag of the Chinese At the same time, it should be to the United States has a profound understanding of Way can make us in the business communications avoid making unnecessary mistakes, causing damage to the people of America; At the same time also can make us /"vote for the good/", in business communication in a favorable position, can grasp the initiative for Of course good respect American friends of the culture, custom is our own outstanding quality (3) finally, to strengthen the cultural communication and exchange, and building a global In the trend of globalization is today, no country can ignore other countries As long as there is cooperation, there are bound to be As long as there is communication, there are bound to be And cultural differences are any business communication inevitably one of the most important And the culture of any nation is not static, it will develop as The Times continuously absorb foreign culture fusion forward The commercial workers building a global culture might only in international business cooperation in a dominant position, can we make our trade really go to the In short, if you want to be successful on intercultural business negotiation, the Chinese representative should first learn how to observe the foreign culture, is good at with their own culture contrast, learn to identify, understand, accept and respect each other's Ready to two different kinds of cultural band to communicate, and learn from gradually improve their cross-cultural Next, want to abandon national center almost socialist, respect for the foreign culture and custom and Business negotiations remember hazard comment on each other's cultural Accept and respect their moral standards and Every culture has its unique features existence has its Accept they also want to avoid the cultural contact between the International business negotiations both sides from different cultures have different negotiating mode and method, different way of communication and persuade strategy, different N We can not to their own cultural background for the standard to understand and evaluate each Should according to each other's culture and formulate and revise these negotiations negotiations strategies, so as to increase the chance of reaching an Otherwise, ignore cultural differences, lack of communication, processing not will increase the difficulty of Can't even reach an agreement, the loss of business

2008年北京奥运会 光阴似箭,日月如梭,转眼已是2008年了。奥运会的圣火在它的故乡熄灭,又将在神秘的东方燃起,这又是一次四年的期盼,人类历史上的一次飞跃。从奥林匹亚到万里长城,从浪漫的雅典到神奇的北京,一切尽在不言之中。 2004年,炎黄子孙的奥运健儿踏上了雅典之旅,抛头颅撒热血为我国争夺了32枚来之不易的金牌,一晃眼就是四年,在这四年时间里我们一定有所进步,有所收获,我们的奥运健儿们经过不懈地努力一定也能不负众望,再次为我国争光! 瞧!我们的亚洲风暴刘翔用风驰电掣般的速度奔跑着,跨越了一切障碍,直冲终点获得了第一,这也象征着我们亚洲冲出了世界,冲向了未来。再看那儿,张怡宁用娴熟的球技为国又添一金。再来看个高难度的,郭晶晶优美的跳水姿态夺得裁判的赞赏,就这样一枚金牌又成了我们中国的囊中之物了。还有许许多多的奥运健儿都施展了自己的看家本领为自己的祖国勇夺了一枚枚金灿灿的金牌,另外银牌和铜牌也是纷纷落入我们的口袋,不用说了我们中国最后的总分肯定能够一马当先,远远不美国甩在后面成为世界冠军。 人们欢呼雀跃,都为北京奥运会运动员取得的丰功伟绩赞叹道:“我们中国不在是东亚病夫,我们已经冲出了亚洲,冲出了世界,冲向更加美好的明天!”随着大家的阵阵喝彩声,北京奥运画上了一个完美的句号,我相信,不我坚信在2012年的伦敦奥运会上我们中国人的脚步能走在世界的顶峰,我们中国人的身影能出现在世界各地!

英语作文:The Chinese spirit is the national spirit with patriotism and The Times spirit with reform and innovation at its This spirit is the soul of national rejuvenation and the soul of a powerful The Chinese national spirit is a great spirit of unification, peace-loving, diligence and courage, and unremitting self-improvement centered on 中国精神就是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神。这种精神是凝心聚力的兴国之魂、强国之魄。中华民族精神是以爱国主义为核心的团结统一,爱好和平,勤劳勇敢,自强不息的伟大精神。
